We give permission to use Necropolis intellectual property to upload gameplay videos of Necropolis on YouTube, Twitch.tv, or other video / streaming platform. You may upload the video only if it is really yours and that uploading it doesn’t violate anyone else’s privacy rights, publicity rights, copyrights, contract rights, or intellectual property rights of somebody else. Please include a link to http://necropolisgame.com/ or any online store selling Necropolis.
If your video is in bad taste, obscene, hateful, defamatory, or otherwise is not consistent with the values of Necropolis, we may revoke permission and require you to take the video down. We’re not responsible for your video and if it’s not really yours or if you violate someone else’s rights, you will be responsible if there are any liabilities or costs for that (including if we get sued because of the video).